what is network protocol with example


What are Network Protocols and its Types with Examples

What are network protocols and their types


What is Network Protocol?

The network protocol is the set of specified rules between different devices. These are the conventions and guidelines for transferring and receiving the data. Also, it is explained as what is data sent, how data is sent, and when data is sent same vice-versa.

 How does Network Protocol work?

Different network devices communicate with each other in a sequence-layered manner. Open System Interconnection (OSI) is the main model where each computer system interconnects. The TCP/UDP protocol and IP protocol are the main protocols that work on the transport layer and network layer, respectively.

  • Internet Protocol (IP)

It is used for communication between different network devices over the internet. Data transfer is based on specified addressing and packets. It represents the unique address for the device.

  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

It is used for transferring hypertext between one or more systems. HTTP works on a Client-Server model for sharing data over the web. HTTP used port 80. For Example, when a user sends the request by entering http://www.google.com on the browser, then the computer sends a “GET” request to a server that user wants this address.

  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS)

HTTPS is the secure form of HTTP for communication over the internet. It used an SSL certificate to install a more secure website. It utilizes the port 443

  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that sends data with sequenced acknowledgment. It maintains the connection between applications before data is sent and received. For example, Email and FTP

  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

UDP is a connectionless protocol that is not responsible for acknowledgment. It is unreliable, has no flow control, and no error recovery function. It is used for fast transmission of data. Life examples are gaming and voice-over IP (VoIP)

  • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

When communication is established between the data link layer and the network layer, an ARP protocol is needed, which maps the logical address (IP) and Physical Address (MAC). In this way, both layers can communicate with each other.

  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

DHCP is used to assign IP addresses to devices automatically. It works on the model of the Client and server. It has a set of pools that dynamically assign an IP address and default gateway to the new attached device. DNS and NTP use DHCP

  • Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

SNMP is used for managing the network nodes and works on layer 7 in the OSI model. It is used to monitor the network, track byte packets, and network performance, and troubleshoot in the network. SNMP comprises three components, an SNMP agent, an SNMP manager, and managed devices. SNMP used both ports 161 and 162.

  • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

ICMP is a network layer protocol that diagnoses network communication issues. It keeps a record of the data that reaches its destination timely. It also reports error messages, congestion, and timeout. For example, Ping and traceroute use the ICMP.

  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP is used for sharing files and data from one host to another host over the internet with a secure connection. FTP uses port 21 for establishing the connection between two hosts and port 20 is used for transferring the data between them. For example, Filezilla Client, Core FTP, and WinSCP.

  • Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

SFTP is the secure version of FTP. It adds the additional layer of encryption (SSH) at the time data is sent and received. It works on the application layer.

  • Post Office Protocol (POP3)

POP3 is way client-server protocol in which email is downloaded on a specific computer. 3 is the third version of the POP3 protocol. It uses the port by default 110.

  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

It is used for accessing the mail from the server and you can retrieve your mail from multiple devices. Also, all your email synch on the server. It also allows multiple users to access and manage from the same mailbox. It uses port 143 while using SLL it utilizes 993.

  • Telnet (Terminal Network)

Telnet is a TCP/IP protocol that accesses the remote Router/Switch/Computer virtually. You can configure, update, and modify the configuration remotely. First, you have to configure the server setting in the remote device and access that device via the Telnet client. It uses the default port 23.

  • Secure Shell (SSH)

SSH is a protocol that uses public-key cryptography for secure remote login connection. It provides a more secure way to configure and manage servers with encrypted keys. SSH is used widely in Unix-based operating and it is also available for Windows.

  • IPV4 (Internet Protocol Version 4)

IPV4 uses 32-bit addresses and is now a day widely utilized in the market. It uses a maximum of 4,294,967,296 (232) unique addresses. It has two parts one is the network part and the second is the host address that is separated by a dotted decimal. For example, an ipv4 address is

  • IPV6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)   

IPV6 is a 128-bit unique address. 32-bit addresses were running out due to increasing the number of devices. 128-bit has more address schemes rather than 32-bit addresses. IPV6 offers authentication and encryption for better support in mobile devices. For example 2011:0010:130F:0010:0010:09C0:876A:130B

  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

SMTP is used for exchanging email messages between servers. In which, the sender email client or server acts as the SMTP client and the sender email server acts as the SMTP server. It utilizes the port for TLS is 587 and for SSL is 465.

  • Point to Point Protocol (PPP)

PPP is the communication protocol that is used for direct communication between two devices. It establishes the connection to one and there is no device in the middle. If a user wants to connect to the server, it also uses a PPP connection.


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